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Mayo.Mei; class 06A102 of Meridian Junior College; Floorbaler, soccer player, ex-tk softballer; leader of the August babies; loves chocolate&sweets, Manchester United and of course, HIM
I am worth $1,844,970 on while He is worth $2,239,860.

Adobe photoshop
mickey mouse bag
white pumps
ipod video in black
brazil yellow havaianas
new bag please?
orange and white nederlands adidas jacket
new waterbottle ):
Stay in MJ
a shopping trip


i not stupid too
Memoirs of a Geisha
Match Point

Big momma's hse2

Date movie
V for Vendetta
Shaggy dog
Ice Age 2

Da Vinci Code
Superman returns

4th April - assembly duty
5th April - proposal for publicity (js)
5th April - proposal for publicity (choc wk)

8th April - 2nd proposal for choc wk
12th April - jumble sale (store)
13th April - due date for election speech
13th April - Choc wk (store)
18th April - podium rally
19th April - Election Day

abby alicia amirah angie arthi benedict clara dixie eileen eugene esther ewen james jason josh lovelle malcolm manel melly michelle nad peishi rachel-lian siwee<3 sheena shirin shiqi syaz syen val viv xueheng xiu zu kai
MOT Adriel Xiaxue blogger

October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006


Saturday, April 15, 2006
Im closing down this site! hahaa

moving to
username and password upon request only thank you (:
so that's a friends-only-site. bwahahahaa.

;12:26 AM
Thursday, April 13, 2006
today was fun! slept through most of the lessons cos the weather was nice. hehe. the choco stall was well done i must say! the tables were a little dirty though and hygiene was erm.. bad? LOL. although it looked gross, ppl still bought our stuffs. yummy. the fondue rawks! i love my other council nominees. they're like crazy bunch of nutsies. The games were nice too! you're supposed to guess what is inside the jar without looking at it. lols. Siwee stuck his hand in and pulled out a handful of mealworms. yes. MEALWORMS. YUCKS CAN. he started playing with it like it's his pet or smth. Then he dropped it on sister Audrey's lap. not really lap but beside her. She screamed and took off her shoes and jumped ard. DAMN FUNNY. the whole canteen was staring. LOL. she will nv forgive siwee for that. tsktsk.
Had council debrief session at like 530. Jumble sale and choco week were well done. earned like hundreds of bucks of profits. haha. After that dumbo Junyu ate the mealworm cos someone said they will give him 5 bucks if he eat the wormie. LOL. so grosssss. Muslim ate too! cos he was desperate for money. ROFL. tskk. funny lah..
Ate dinner at siwee's hse after that. His mom cooked. hahaa. nicenice. =X
now im home and my cousin is having a stag night. you know, a guy's night out cos his friend is getting married. LOL. of all places, HERE. just bcos my aunty is in France. and guess what? there are strippers downstairs. OMFG. the guys were like, DONT COME DOWN PLEASE. oh nono i wont want to thank you. LOL. i can hear stupid RnB music blasting all the way from here. ARGHH i cant imagine what they are doing downstairs. with the ooohh and ahhhh-ings. =X
cant wait for tomorrow.
cant wait for monday.
cant wait for tuesday (my podium speech)
cant wait to see you (:

;10:56 PM
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
1. When you looked at yourself in the mirrortoday, what was the first thing you thought? Damn it's time for school again
2. How much cash do you have on you? HAHA im broke. The amt is shameful.
3. What's a word that rhymes with "DOOR"?- Four?
4. Favorite planet?- Earth =D
5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your mobile phone?- Hse phone.
6. What is your favorite ringtone on yourphone?- duno?
7. What shirt are you wearing?- HAHA. Nike tennis shirt.
8. Do you "label" yourself?- nope.
9. Name the brand of shoes you're currently wearing?- er Adidas.
10. Bright or Dark Room?- dark definitely.
12. Bakit walang tanong s #12?- wtf?
13. What were you doing at midnight lastnight?- on the phone
14. What did the last text message you received on your mobile phone say?- secret =D
15. Where is your nearest 7-11?- a 10 min walk.
16. What's a word that you say a lot?- WHAT THE HELL
17.Who told you he/she loved you last?- LEOW SI WEE!
18. Last furry thing you touched?- my towel?
19. How many drugs have you done in the lastthree days?- woah. lots of Panadol. is that counted?
20. How many rolls of film do you need to getdeveloped?- huh?
21. Favorite age you have been so far?- Now =)
22. Your worst enemy?- no enemies lah
24. What was the last thing you said to someone?- Bye Bye. haha
26. Do you like someone?- duhh
27. The last song you listened to?- Leavin on a Jet plane
What time's it?` 9.35pm
What were you doing 20 minutes ago?` playing with my dogs.
Who was the last person you saw?` My maid
What are you doing?` Yawning
Who's on your mind right now?` LEOW SI WEE!
What have you eaten today?` Beard papa! <3
What are you wearing?` shirts and shorts. DUH
What are you going to do tomorrow?` No idea
Who was the last person you sms?` my father.
Who was the last person who sms you?` My father.
Who was the last person you called?` LEOW SI WEE
Who was the last person who called u?` Eugene i spose?
Are you in love/like someone?` DUH.
Last movie you watched? with whom?` Ice Age 2 with LEOW SI WEE
Have you ever lost friends over something silly?` i cant remember. SAD
Have you ever liked someone but she/he didn't?` hm.. not too sure. LOL
Who do u kiss goodnight?` heehee =D
Have you ever been broken hearted?` fortunately no. phew
How much do you love him/her?` More than anything.
Do you cry a lot?` dont think so
Who do you hate?` not really hate, maybe dislike?
What do you do at night?` Homework
What do you want to be in the future?` Architect definitely
How tall are you?` 162.
What colour is taking up the space in yourcloset?` colourful!
What song are u listening to?` Pump it BEP.
Last house you were at?` His house.
What do you want to buy at the moment?` Loads of stuffs.
What are you feeling rite now?` hungry
What perfume do you have on right now?` nothing.
What song is stuck in your mind?` Westlife amazing.
What will you do this weekend?` JB with LEOW SI WEE. i hope =D
What will you do after filling this?` bathe?
What's the most expensive thing you've boughtrecently?`hahaa i cant remember!! omg.
Is sex a MUST in a relationship?` nahh
What is your nickname?` mayo?
Who did you use to care about but notanymore?` not telling!
What did you do last nite? what time did yousleep?` sleeeeep. ard 12.30am?
Do you drive?` oh YES YES!
Do you take public transports?` DUHH.
Fill this in - "This feels....."` huh?
Now?` procrastinating

;9:27 PM
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
bad luck is following me everywhere. I HATE YOU. after one night of endless shitting now im having a bloody problem. sigh. back to back some more.
hmm. since it's over i shan't complain anymore. yeap.
the gf is like.. chioooo. and she's taller than him?! LOL. seriously he wasnt bluffing us when he showed us the gf's pictures. tsktsk. shd have snapped a picture of them together. SO SWEEEEEEEEEET.
don't think im gna update much anymore. cos ive another blog to tend to. yeap.

;8:46 PM
Monday, April 10, 2006

;11:18 PM
Sunday, April 09, 2006
i need help with my speech! HELP PLEASE!
damn. due date is like tuesday?! sigh.
ok nevermind.
i shall ask reisha when the time comes. 4 more days. rawr.
i dont feel like going to sch tmr. my stomach hurts due to.... something. yes.
i wanna go for floorball though.
let's just see how.
friday is holiday. yes finally a holiday!
me and siwee are going shopping. LOL.
i hope.
too lazy to update on everything.
why am i typing so weirdly?
to mjc-ians out there,
vote for me! or don't vote also nevermind. =D
nice eh?
maybe that will catch their attention.
sc = shit work
ppl call sc the dogs of mjc. or even slaves.
dogs or slaves no matter what at the end of 2 years their testimonial will look good.
yeah that's the reason. testimonial.
did i mention there's floorball tmr?

;9:29 PM
Saturday, April 08, 2006
i think im in some serious shit right now. thanks to chem and maths yes? i better start mugging real hard for the lecture tests. sigh. this is so tiring..
my fridays are occupied by maths now. Ms Yeo decided that our class needs extra lessons. so wa-lah! self study = maths t. im not bothered by it at all cos i know i need much more extra lessons to catch up. after that was just bliss.. for once i dont have to worry about anything and just spend my time with him. hee.
from now on, my priorities are set.

oh. cca. another crap i have to worry. ive this very wrong mentality that if i join sc, my grades are gonna plummet to the earth's core. not that it will make things better, now that my grades are somewhere in the astenosphere. lols. ppl kept telling me to have self-discipline once you're in sc. obv i dont have it. mug everyday? ha. thts SO not me. maybe weekends only. weekdays are for HWs and nothing else.

who cares.

;3:47 PM